We Beat Amazon! People Power Gets It Done!










We beat the world's richest corporation from taking over our city!
We beat the world's richest man from taking over our neighborhoods!
We did this as communities of workers, immigrants, residents, women, youth, and so many more!

We know that this is a turning of the tide for how economic development is thought and done in NYC
We shouldn't have to choose between possibilities of getting jobs and being driven out of our homes by skyrocketing rents
We need an economic development plan for NYC that centers people and communities and not corporations
We need good jobs and we need to sustainable development so we can fliurish in our homes, our neighborhoods, and our communiites!

We'll continue that fight

But last night we celebrated in our neighborhoods, with our communities, to celebrate us, and to celebrate our victory!
We had warm drinks, music, and a piñata!
This is peoples power! This is community!

